EEFit Lite is an innovative product which soothes all kinds of pain and provides beauty and health. The energy it emits facilitates penetration into acupuncture points of the body rapidly, thus creating a resonance effect. The acupuncture points are stimulated to create a more even blood circulation, alleviating the symptoms of pain and provides beauty and health.
Direction For Use
2. Power Off: Press on-off button for 2 seconds till red light stops flashing from energy output area.
3. Point the light source on the required location, and shine the light from EEFit Lite by adhering it directly to the skin surface or about one centimeter away from the skin. The exposure time can generally be between 5 – 15 minutes, with no special restrictions. If necessary, use in conjunction with the “Acupuncture Points Chart”.
4. If it is inconvenient to turn on the light when going out, replace the tail cap with a 24k acupoint massage head. The massage head is infused with eefit energy and has a stronger energy release effect. Massaging the acupoints and lymphatic areas helps improve blood microcirculation, promote metabolism, and lymphatic circulation.